“Our actions have enabled us to promote the eco-design of our documents by using paper from sustainably managed forests and by limiting obstacles in paper recycling. We have also encouraged the emergence of the use of so-called white inks by our rotary printers by banning mineral oil-based inks that present health risks from our production. And we have reduced our overall paper consumption by 30% over 3 years.”
Sustainable consumption and production is about “doing more with less”. It also involves decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation by increasing efficiency in the use of resources and promoting sustainable lifestyles.
The ambition of Dékuple
Our Group has always been committed to an environmental approach, acting directly on consumption and production in a responsible manner. How we use resources is a priority in our business. That is why Dékuple has always measured, reduced, improved and innovated to find the balance between economic and environmental performance. Doing better with less.
Our commitments
Acting on our carbon emissions
The Group has been a partner of the ONF (Office National des Forêts – National Forestry Office) for 10 years and supports the ONF’s global action to meet the challenges of tomorrow’s forests. Our participation contributes to the reconstitution of forest areas close to our own site and to raising awareness among primary school children in Montreuil and the Oise region.
The Carbon Emission Calculator
We are working on a tool to evaluate CO2 emissions specific to the Group’s activities. With this tool we can be flexible and independent in calculating our environmental impact. The aim of the tool to help us in our managerial and environmental decisions.